
Show posters, album layout, logos… done a fair amount of design for musical purposes. Much, but not all, of the photography and artwork is also mine.

Photo of the Moonshine on the bus by Scott Pendarvis.

I don’t know who took the photo of 3 for Silver.

Artwork on Cuckoos Crooked Path is by Shanna Trumbly and lettering by our banjo player at the time, Max Countryman- Skewes. I did the layout.

Moonshine Mondays photo of the band was by Susanna’s ex and edited by me. The photo of the band loading on the bus and the band in the treehouse were both taken by Stephanie Neal.

I started doing all of the Moonshine photography in 2015 or so, using a wireless trigger on my phone.

Weird collage of the wizard kid with the dogs in front is an old image, out of copyright.